Private Data We Receive And Collect

Ads-Lv also automatically collects and receives certain information from your computer or mobile device, including the activities you perform on our Website, the Platforms, and the Applications, the type of hardware and software you are using (for example, your operating system or browser), and information obtained from cookies. For example, each time you visit the Website or otherwise use the Services, we automatically collect your IP address, browser and device type, access times, the web page from which you came, the regions from which you navigate the web page, and the web page(s) you access (as applicable). There is more to this section, and we want to keep you informed about it.

When you first register for an Ads-Lv account, and when you use the Services, we collect some Personal Information about you such as:

  • The geographic area where you use your computer and mobile devices should be the same as that of your software
  • Your billing address and any necessary other information to complete any financial transaction, and when making purchases through the Services, we may also collect your credit card or PayPal information or any other sensitive data that you consider

How We Use Advertising Latvia Data

Advertising Latvia uses visitors' data for the following general purposes and for other specific ones that are important:

  1. To identify you when you log in to your account so we can start our user security process for the entire session and duration

Customer Content We Process For Customers

Advertising Latvia is an advertising platform. By its nature, Services enable our customers to promote their products and services, integrate with hundreds of business applications that they already use, all in one place. Customer security is our primary focus in this document.

Services help our customers promote their products and services, marketing and advertising, engaging audiences, scheduling and publishing messages, and analyzing the results and improving the security levels in all areas of the application.

Consent Of Using Advertising Latvia

By using any of the Services, or submitting or collecting any Personal Information via the Services, you consent to the collection, transfer, storage, disclosure, and use of your Personal Information in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the use of your Personal Information in these ways, please stop using the Services should be safe and easy to guarantee a great user experience.

Inquire What Data We Have

Advertising Latvia uses tracking technology on the website and in the Applications, including mobile application identifiers and a unique Advertising Latvia user ID to help us recognize you across different Services, to monitor usage and web traffic routing for the Services, and to customize and improve the Services.

By visiting Advertising Latvia or using the Services, you agree to the use of cookies in your browser and HTML-based emails. You visit a website, by using any of the Services, or submitting or collecting any Personal Information via the Services, you consent and use of your Personal Information

I have read and agree to Advertising Latvia's Privacy Policy and Terms Conditions